A great app that will save you £100’s in shoes
In: Web design
A great new app from the guys at DebugBar is my latest ‘best thing since sliced bread’.
I’m sure I’m not alone when I find myself pacing to and fro from my machine to a testing machine the other side of the studio to see if my last stylesheet update has fixed the problem I’ve had in IE6.
WHILE IE6 not co-oporating {
tweak > upload > walk > refresh > walk > tweak > upload > walk > refresh...and so on.
I’m now able to test IE5, IE6, IE7 and IE8 all from the same window, the only drawback is that Flash won’t play in IE6 but the latest release is still at Alpha stage so you can’t have it all.
Get it from: http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage