Energy Cell website features in HTML5 Gallery
In: Web design
We’ve recently took the plunge into the unchartered world (sort of) of HTML5. We’ve used our own site as the ‘test subject’ and taken the progression from Strict XHTML to HTML5.
Giving our clients the best solutions possible for their online presence is paramount, so keeping in touch with the latest internet technologies gives The Energy Cell the tools and knowledge to do this. We felt the emergence of HTML5 and the platform it gives for delivering such things as richer multi-media, rendering graphics on the fly, geo-location and the ability to access web applications off-line were features we wanted to be able to deliver for our clients. We shall be developing some of these techniques in our ‘testing’ area and we will share our findings once we are happy with them.
So a small reward is for our hardwork to be recognised and featured on the HTML5 Gallery
So we just need the browsers to catch up…sound familiar?