The Energy Cell Guide to Infographics
In: Inspiration Marketing
Every day we are bombarded with data: facts, figures, statistics and images all fired at us from a variety of different sources, the majority of which we never really engage with or make much attempt to understand. Here’s where infographics come in. They are designed to make data meaningful, condensing information into a visual form that is easy to scan and can engage viewers more fully with the material. Done properly, infographics can appeal to an incredibly broad audience, informing and persuading people who may even have had no prior interest in your subject matter. Data visualisation is by no means a new phenomenon, in fact there are many historic examples, but with the dramatic increase in digital technology in recent years, information presented in graphic form instantly creates content that is highly sharable. If your infographic is cleverly and creatively executed, it is likely to be rapidly forwarded – and there is always the potential that with enough exposure, your infographic could go viral.
Infographics are also an extremely versatile medium, so how you utilise your infographic can be just as creative as the design itself. From a business perspective, the obvious channels to exhibit your graphic are online: via your website, company blog, social media accounts and so on. But why stop there? Infographics can be used to engage not only your customers or clients, but can be actively used in conducting business and to engage your own staff as well. For example, used to illustrate company reports or presentations, infographics can more effectively retain peoples’ attention and even accelerate decision making. If you work in a creative industry, consider more innovative applications for your infographic, perhaps for business cards, corporate literature, or even an infographic CV: a memorable infographic can catch people’s attention, effectively display your creative talents and fundamentally, make you or your company stand out from the crowd.
So, how would you go about creating one? Initially, gather together your information, check it is all significant and thoroughly accurate. Organize this information into a unique concept: there should be a clear story and message within your graphic – it should not be open to interpretation. The most successful infographics also have the added element of entertainment value; to ensure people will want to share your graphic, you should be as innovative as possible in the way you display your information and (where appropriate) make it light-hearted and humorous. Now, transform this information into a fantastic graphic. If you have creative design talents, an infographic is an excellent opportunity to show them off. If you’re not a skilled designer, employ someone who is – a badly designed infographic will not have the necessary impact and could make the information less easy to understand than a simple written report. In terms of design, the data needs to be made to really work visually, not just be pleasing to look at. First and foremost, it should have a clear, eye-catching layout and a carefully chosen colour palette, with relevant images, charts and graphs employed to add weight to the message you are trying to put across. Finally, ensure you have a really catchy title…. and your infographic is ready to be shared with the world!
To further stimulate your imagination, check out this more comprehensive article on the Dos and Don’ts of Infographic Design or ponder Energy Cell’s Top 5 Favourite Infographics. Keep watching this space for upcoming infographics from our own designers, but in the meantime, please comment and share your own personal favourites with the team!