29 Feb 2012

Website of the Week – Mashable.com

In: Tech/Geek Zone Website of the Week

‘Mashable’s mission is to empower and inspire people by spreading knowledge of social media and technology. Mashable is the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology.’

Mashable.com is an award-winning site, packed full of useful and interesting articles on topics under the headings Social Media, Tech, Business, Entertainment and US & World. If you are looking for informative ‘How To’ articles on areas such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, SEO, reducing spam, or even how to get amazing flight deals – then this is definitely the website the visit! The articles are informative and entertaining, particularly the photo and video galleries, which contain a huge variety of diverse posts covering topics from Apple’s Siri, to Google Doodles, Typography to Laptop bags, and Retro Office Accessories to Peculiar Vending Machines. With 20 million monthly unique visitors and 4 million social media followers, Mashable have become one of the most engaged online news communities – so take a look, and please feel free to share your favourite articles with the Energy Cell team!

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