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Microsoft have just confirmed they plan on using the crippled Word rendering engine to display HTML emails in Outlook 2010.
This means for the next 5 years your email designs will need tables for layout, have no support for CSS like float and position and no background images. Not to mention the long list of bugs and quirks that break the simplest of layouts.
So looks like what hair I have left I will pulling at whilst building my next email campaign.
Can’t decide what to wear for that hot date, which new search engine to try next or where to soak up the sun this summer….? Then let hunch make your decisions for you.
Why spend precious moments making a decision for yourself when the co – founder of flickr, Caterina Fake has developed a site that will do it for you. No more flipping of coins, consulting crystal balls or reading tea leaves, the decision making device we have all be waiting for has arrived!
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A great new app from the guys at DebugBar is my latest ‘best thing since sliced bread’.
I’m sure I’m not alone when I find myself pacing to and fro from my machine to a testing machine the other side of the studio to see if my last stylesheet update has fixed the problem I’ve had in IE6.
WHILE IE6 not co-oporating {
tweak > upload > walk > refresh > walk > tweak > upload > walk > refresh...and so on.
I’m now able to test IE5, IE6, IE7 and IE8 all from the same window, the only drawback is that Flash won’t play in IE6 but the latest release is still at Alpha stage so you can’t have it all.
Get it from: http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage
I thought I’d share some good content, I came across an incredibly insightful blog recently from Marty Collins (from Microsoft’s Windows consumer marketing group) – she posts frequently about the many experiences and opinion they have using social media to communicate directly with their consumers. Marty’s posts are well worth a read, much more than indulgent theory.
Great insights, from people who understand the technology and how to use it to great effect with their consumer.
Almost every sector of business is being affected by the recession – but some companies seem to be impervious and are going from strength to strength.
One business defying the economic downturn is regional digitally-led marketing agency, The Energy Cell. They have been working with local and international clients for nearly 10 years, and when many in their industry are failing, instead of quieting down, they are busier than ever. So, what’s their secret?